Energy use will be further enhanced in the port of Turku

At the Port of Turku, energy saving has been a part of everyday life for a long time. In the environmental program for the years 2019–2025, it was decided to continue investing in energy use efficiency. The port has focused on reducing electricity use, for example by mainly using LED lighting in warehouses and halls.
Just as in households, where the lights are turned off in rooms where people are not staying, the level of the port’s area lighting is regulated in such a way that the lighting is kept at a high level only in areas where there is activity. The lighting level required by the operation will be maintained, but in quiet times the level of area lighting is planned to be lowered in the future. For example, at night, it is possible to drop the level of area lighting to a level of 10–30% of normal without reducing the security of the port area.
Heating energy is saved by lowering the temperature in all spaces where it is possible.
In the port’s own properties, as well as in rented premises, energy consumption will be closely monitored by metering, which will allow to catch up on consumption targets and possible energy-saving targets that emerge through this.