New safety shower unit taken into operation from start of June

Storage area for hazardous materials in West Harbour received a new safety shower unit. It replaces the old well serviced shower unit and improves daily work safety during loading and unloading operations. Safety showers are generally used when there is a risk of an accident where chemicals or fire can cause injuries.
New safety shower has own independent water supply from tank above the shower cabinet. Insulated and heated 1350 litres container provides constant 15 minutes water flow time, fulfilling newest standards for logistic sites.
In case of an emergency, shower is started by pushing panic bar located to rear wall inside of the shower. In addition to body shower, there is a separate eye wash unit which can be launched by opening the lid.
Water quality is maintained as tepid by replacing water three times a year and using special water treatment chemical to keep it free from bacteria. Water temperature is kept at 22°C with thermostat controlled heater unit including remote monitoring system. This temperature level has been found most safe for flushing harmful chemicals away from human skin. The reason is that certain chemicals may react with higher temperatures boosting the reaction and causing more damage.
Shower was manufactured by FSP-Tech GmbH and supplied by Hansa Engineering, the Nordic representative of FSP-Tech safety shower systems.