Customer satisfaction at a good level in the Port of Turku

We asked our customers their opinion on the Port’s services. Based on the answers received, the customers are mostly satisfied with our operations, but there is also room for improvement. Most answers came from transport companies and shipping companies.
A new question in the inquiry was the satisfaction of the customers and partners with the Port as a partner. The average score of 8.4 is very good, and it was notable that more than 50% of the respondents would recommend us.
The respondents were in general satisfied with the Port’s willingness to serve, flexibility, keeping to schedules, and the work we have done for repairing the cranes. The activity of the Port’s operations, the willingness to develop the operations and the visibility on the market were thought to have improved considerably as a result of new personnel.
The most important items for development were the operational reliability of the cranes, access control and guarding in the Port area, and the tidiness of the area. The development items in particular will provide us good guidelines for the improvement of our operations. The Port will internally further develop the processing of the feedback and suggestions from the customers.
The inquiry was implemented in the autumn and a total of 68 customers from different lines of business responded to it.