The port goes electric – environmentally friendly electric cars for use at work

The first electric cars arrived at the port in mid-February. All passenger cars of the Port will be converted to electric ones by the end of 2022, with vans to follow as more options become available.
The City of Turku is implementing one of the strongest climate plans in the world and is rapidly reducing its region’s greenhouse gas emissions with the intention of being carbon neutral in 2029. The challenging goal requires effective action. One of the most important factors is saving energy and changing production and operating methods. One of the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions is transport in general. By investing in sustainable mobility, emissions can be significantly reduced.
Our goal is, as part of the city of Turku, to participate in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Our environmental program works in the same direction according to the city’s climate plan; the goal is a carbon-neutral Turku.
As part of our environmental work, we will switch to electric cars in our daily operations where possible, and the first two electric cars have already arrived for use at work.
Today, even single-charge driving radiuses are such that electric cars are ideal for daily moving in the port area, says CEO Erik Söderholm.