We are involved in the John Nurminen Foundation’s Baltic Sea rescue forces

We operate in the heart of a unique archipelago on the shores of the Baltic Sea, and that obliges us to take into account the requirements set by the environment in all our operations. That’s why we actively develop functions and services to have less impact on the environment.
Reducing emissions, saving energy, treating wastewater, and developing dredging activities with the environment in mind will produce results.
We believe that in environmental work, cooperation with other operators is an efficient way to achieve significant results for a cleaner living environment.
As the newest partnership, we have begun to support the Baltic Sea conservation work carried out by the John Nurminen Foundation – we appreciate the foundation’s practical and proven effective work.
The goal of the John Nurminen Foundation, founded in 1992, is to save the Baltic Sea and its heritage for future generations. The foundation is an information broker and producer of marine content that has been awarded for its cultural works. In the foundation’s projects, the state of the Baltic Sea is improved with concrete actions that reduce the load on the sea and environmental risks.
Our common goal is a clean and healthy Baltic Sea. To all of us.
Read more about the important work of the John Nurminen Foundation: https://johnnurmisensaatio.fi/en/