
New sanitary container for truck drivers at the port area

NEWS_New sanitary container

We offer a variety of services for truck drivers to make their daily life smoother and more comfortable. Our truck parking area is a safe place to park right next to the port, where drivers can rest and rejuvenate. In the immediate vicinity of the port, there are services such as restaurants, grocery stores, as well as refueling and maintenance services.

Truck drivers are an important customer group for Port of Turku, and we are constantly developing services aimed at them in collaboration with various stakeholders to support the smooth flow of heavy traffic.

The latest service we have introduced is a new sanitary container for truck drivers located in the West Harbour, next to the Finnsteve’s L-terminal.

The sanitary container located on Konttikatu includes a break room where drivers can refresh themselves during long drives. The break room is equipped with a microwave and seating area, providing an opportunity to heat food and relax comfortably. The insulated sanitary container also includes modern WC and shower facilities.

The new sanitary container is designed to meet the needs of drivers and ensure a smooth and safe working environment within the port area.