

Because time matters – Port of Turku calendar 2021 has been published

The long tradition will continue when the Port of Turku Port Calendar is published again.

The NextGen Link project is progressing on schedule

The Port of Turku is part of the European TEN-T Scandinavian-Mediterranean transport network, which connects Turku …

Pilot produced information about the possibilities of utilizing the 5G network

Our goal is to serve operators and customers in the port area now and in the …

The installation of the automooring equipment is proceeding as planned

Cavotec’s MoorMaster, an automatic attachment and detachment system, arrived in our port in early July. The …

Truck loading efficiency is being developed as part of the NextGen Link project

Construction work on a new heavy traffic measurement and identification system is nearing completion in the …

Turku and shipping companies consider three alternative locations for the passenger terminal

The City of Turku, Port of Turku Ltd and shipping companies Silja Line and Viking Line …

Port of Turku Ltd’s Annual Report 2019 has been published

The operations of Port of Turku Ltd continued steadily in 2019 in line with the general …

Coronavirus counseling for travelers arriving in Finland at the passenger terminals

Information points will be set up at the passenger terminals in the Port of Turku during …

Business-oriented development of the customer experience

We recently commissioned a customer survey conducted by Corporate Spirit Oy which aimed at identifying the …

New ship connection from Turku to Rotterdam

Mann Lines Oy is opening a new, much requested ro-ro connection from Turku to Europe’s biggest …