The port coordinates security issues
There are many different seafaring and logistics companies operating in the Port of Turku, but as the administrator of the area the Port of Turku manages the security plans and their co-ordination as well as co-operation with the authorities related to security issues.
The Port of Turku complies with the national and international security instructions and the occupa-tional health and safety systems in accordance with the ISO 45001 standard. Compliance with the security principles calls for anticipating damage prevention, know-how of personnel, and sustaina-bility from the Port of Turku. To achieve a high level of security the Port of Turku trains both its own personnel and the personnel of its customer companies and different stakeholders.
International ISPS code steers security procedures
The ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security) Code is a set of guidelines issued by the In-ternational Maritime Organization IMO operating under UN, the purpose of which is to improve maritime safety both on board vessels and in ports. The Port of Turku’s security procedures fulfil the requirements of the ISPS Code. The ISPS area is fenced and fitted with CCTV.
You can read more about the ISPS Code and its requirements on the Traficom’s website.
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