Port Control services
Mooring and releasing vessels
The mooring and unmooring of ships shall be ordered from the Port Control at least two hours before the desired time of mooring and unmooring.
Electricity for vessels
Electricity for vessels is ordered from the Port Control. The services ordered from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. are principally delivered during the same business day.
Fresh water for vessels
The order for water shall be submitted to the Port Control 12 hours before the water is needed. Ordered water is delivered between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m.
Waste management
The Port of Turku has its own waste management directions for vessels and providers operating in the port area, and separately for ship agents.
Pilotage ensures safe arrival of vessels along the fairways to the Port of Turku. The pilot embarking the vessel brings leading local expertise to the ship. Pilotage services are provided by Finnpilot Pilotage Oy.
Towing services are available 24 hours a day in the Port of Turku. Towing assistance to vessels in the Port of Turku is provided by Alfons Håkans.
Ice breaking
In winter months the vessel traffic is secured with ice breakers. Ice breaking services in the Port of Turku are provided by Alfons Håkans.